
March 23, 2010

Ecosystem stewardship: a new lexicon for bureaucrats

The article Ecosystem stewardship: sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet by F. Stuart Chapin III and coauthors proposes a new lexicon for writers of bureaucratic literature. For example, in old parlance a resource manager is a "decision-maker who sets course for sustainable management" while in the new ecosystem-stewardship parlance it is a "facilitator who engages stakeholder groups to respond to, and shape, social–ecological change and nurture resilience."

The new lexicon will appeal to bureaucrats of all stripes, from Bhutanese officials fostering Gross National Happiness to British Conservatives overhauling energy policy.

The article is in Trends in Ecology and Evolution, which purports to publish "polished, concise and readable reviews in all areas of ecology and evolutionary science".

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