
May 11, 2007

Genetic discrimination

The US is in the process of passing a law, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, forbidding people to reveal potentially useful information about themselves. Louise M. Slaughter, member of the US Congress, celebrates the occasion in Science magazine:
Genetic discrimination is, of course, inherently unjustifiable and illogical. Having a genetic predisposition to a disease in no way guarantees that it will develop, and virtually all of us have some bad genes that could potentially manifest in illness. As a result, discrimination based on one's genetic makeup alone could logically be extended into a form of discrimination against everyone.
Discrimination against everyone? How can that be?

1 comment:

  1. The author admits that everyone of us may have a predisposition to a genetic disease, something which is virtually true.))

    Apart from that, what necessity drives the law?. Doesn't their constitution already protect individuals against discrimination?. See, that's a big difference between EU and USA. In EU the public rights are legislated considering first the individual rights while, at least nowadays, is just the other way round in America: the individuals rights are those which don't interfere with public or economic "rights" (see p2p laws, patriotic act et al.).
